Saturday, 19 December 2009

Here's video of a brilliant speech from Aaron Saxton, joining a Sydney Anonymous protest at ANZO. There were no Anons burning babies, beating old ladies, or stabbing Scientologists in the head, or anything. Just, well... a protest :)

Aaron Saxton speech to Sea Org - Sydney Dec 19, 2009 from Harvey Smith on Vimeo.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

30 year veteran, Izhar Perlman, dumps the cult

Scientologists for 30 years, Izhar Perlman, publishes his Doubt Condition:

"The founder of U-MAN, Izhar Perlman has been a Scientologist for 30 years. After reading the Friends of LRH website, he now completed his Doubt condition"


Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Scientology: The Crusade' Continues

Frow today: Scientology: 'The Crusade' Continues.

"It turns out the video we posted last week was just one way Scientology plans to take over the world. Here's more sinister leaked footage in which leader David Miscavige lays out his plans for intergalactic domination to fervent followers."

Full article:

Monday, 14 December 2009

Scientology's Foresight: They Have None

"I find humorous about all this Scientology tech is these are supposed to be super-human individuals who have complete control over their environment, but have no foresight into up and coming technologies. You'd think L.Ron, while he was doing all his out of body trips to the Van Allen Belt, he would have bothered to notice a little thing like the internet, South Park, Anonymous or even blogs. Or that they were going to be Scientology's Achilles' heel."

Full article:

Sex and the Scientologist: From the Desk of L. Ron Hubbard

A little background to help get through the jargon in today's memos. (If we miss anything, there's a fully glossary of the bizarre terms here.) The cult divides its teachings into eight 'dynamics': 1) the self; 2) sex and the family; 3) groups; 4) humankind as a whole; 5) life forms (including animals and plants); 6) the physical universe; 7) the spiritual and 8) infinity. The two documents here come from the Second Dynamic — sex and the family.

Full article:

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Comment by 'Thoughtful' on Portait of a ponzi man

"Scientology has somehow, I don't know how, but somehow it's gotten a bad reputation as a cult. Maybe it's because of Miscavige's insane antics on Night Line years ago. Maybe it's because he started wars with people online. Maybe it's because he tries to discredit whistle blowers. Maybe it's because he's stolen and has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars. Maybe it's because of all the forced abortions in the Sea Org which kinda flies in the face of LRH saying there's 8 dynamics.

Maybe it's because of the many people in his wake who have died. Maybe it's because of all the marriages in the Sea Org that he's crushed. Or people he's destroyed. Or billing Sea Org veterans who leave for $80,000 each which is illegal due to labor laws. Or maybe it has something to do with decades of human trafficking. Maybe it's because of all the people he's violently assaulted and threatened.

I don't know. I'm not Sherlock Holmes.

Then again, maybe it's because of a few "Scientologists" who seem entirely unable to differentiate the logical from the illogical even when the facts are right in front of their face, thereby helping to convince the world that apparently mindless Zombies really do "Walk Among Us."

I'm sorry I can't be of any more help. But I do know that neither you nor anyone else can disseminate Scientology in the face of being a cult.

So Target #1 on any dissemination campaign would have to be "De-cultify Scientology." But somehow in 24 years, David Miscavige has overlooked the first, most obvious, most essential, most important, most vital target.

Thanks again for letting me know that the current campaign is still running! I'm amazed and astonished as since I live alone in at the bottom of a cave with no outside contact with the world at large, I had no idea Miscavige was running ads in a pathetic attempt to prove he is honest after all, only he put the wrong kind of ads on since (god forbid) he didn't want to really sell any LRH books, but mainly just stay out of prison as long as he can since the authorities are asleep at the wheel. Or are they?

By the way, when this Ponzi thief goes down, you're going to look pretty foolish for having blindly supported a criminal. So I recommend you stay anonymous least you go to jail along with David Miscavige."

Full article: