Thursday, 10 December 2009

Just exactly how OT was Ron the OT?

From ESMB:

"First things first. Did Ron actually evidence to anyone in a reliable scientific way that HE himself was an Operating Thetan? Did he demonstrate that he could operate exterior from the body with perception? Did he show anyone his presser and tractor beams? Did he heal bodies, his own or others, with turning black energy white or any other ways? Did he manifest whole track recall that enabled him to find billions of buried treasure? Did he use his whole track recall to patent life-saving medical technology? Did he use past-life intergalactic knowledge to eliminate disease, environmental problems, automobile pollution, poverty or world hunger? Did he show engineers how to build faster and more fuel-efficient passenger vehicles, public transportation or airplanes?Did he show his mind technology healing the sick or curing the insane? Did he ever have one OT tested by an impartial fact-finding study (i.e. scientific authentication)? Did he use his why-finding, debug, correction, qual or recovery technology to recover the vast majority of Scientologists who had left Scientology?

It is clear that he did not do any of these things. Yet, one might still conclude that Ron did in fact possess these OT capabilities yet CHOSE to not reveal them directly. Assuming that could (in theory) be true, there is another way to observe OT phenomena and behavior and that is by simply looking at Ron's personal & professional life..."

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